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Companies USA Companies in the state of North Carolina
Cataloxy Salisbury...Companies in SalisburyMetals, Machinery & EngineeringBasic metal productsSemi-manufactured products, aluminium and its alloysNoranda Aluminum Holdin

Noranda Aluminum Holdin, Salisbury

Prime Clerk

Aluminum Fabricators The Controller of Noranda Aluminum Holdin is STEVE SCHOCH Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Adv. Pro. No. 16-01005 - Century Aluminum Co. v Gramercy Alumina Holdings, Inc. (BSS)
MOED Case No. 16-cv-00042-SNLJ (Sherwin Alumina Company, et al. v. Noranda Aluminum, et al. )
Adv. Pro. No. 16-01011 (BSS) - California First National Bank v. Boh Bros. Construction Co, L. L. C.
Adv. Pro. No. 16-01028 - Artisan Contracting, LLC et al v. Cortland Capital Market Services, LLC

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Noranda Aluminum Holdin in Salisbury you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 1709 Jake Alexander Blvd S
28146, Salisbury, North Carolina

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Noranda Aluminum Holdin in other states:

Newport, AR (Arkansas), Gramercy, LA (Louisiana), Cape Girardeau, MO (Missouri), Salisbury, NC (North Carolina), Huntingdon, TN (Tennessee)

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